Hello my dear 5th graders!! 😉
On week 6 we continue talking about foods, but in particular about "Superfoods from Peru". So I invite you to watch this interesting video about this topic 🎬
🤗 REMEMBER to share your work and audio with your teacher through the link of your grade in this blog. 👉
Or through your teacher's email 📧
😄Pre A1: ¿Qué dificultades tuviste para elaborar tu post describiendo un superalimento del Perú?
¿Qué superalimentos del Perú recomendarías para consumir?
😄A1: What difficulties did you have to create your brochure about three superfoods from Peru?
What superfoods would you recommend to consume?
😄A2: What difficulties did you have to create your healthy daily meal plan?
What superfoods would you recommend to consume? Why?
😄A2+: What difficulties did you have to create your post about a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner?
What superfoods would you recommend to consume? Why?