
martes, 16 de junio de 2020

WEEK 1 - 5th GRADE


  After doing all your activities from the web, please answer the quesion according to your level.

A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these   symptoms?

A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative        aspects.

111 comentarios:

  1. Good morning dear teacher :)
    I would like to know how our English classes would be through the web
    5to B <3

    1. Hi Ximena. I'm really glad to know you´re really interested in our English classes. I invite you to watch the video on the blog, there are some instructions. Then join to the Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 18th, and I will clear your doubts. See you and take care :)

  2. Good morning teacher
    I'm done with this week's activities, I really liked doing the infographic of actions to prevent covid-19
    5º "c"

    1. Excellent work Lesly!!! Remember our Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 18th. See you there. Take care :)

  3. A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    -Hand hygiene washing with soap and water.
    -We avoid touching our faces and eye lining.
    - Do not share utensils for personal use for beverages and food,
    -Keep rooms ventilated and with good hygiene.
    -When leaving the house, use mask
    5º "c"

    1. Great Lesly 🌟😊 You mentioned many ways of preventing this disease. I see that you and your family take care very well. Be safe ;)

  4. A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.
    Covid-19 allowed me to spend more time with my mom and finally learn to cook. However, as the state of emergency was increasingly expanded, then my family's financial resources were exhausted and also caused anxiety about the lack of not falling asleep.
    Miriam Camacho 5° "A"

    1. Very good answer Miriam 😊 I agree with you when you say that parents are anxious about lack of financial resources, but I also think that you should make the most of the time with your mom, that wil be unforgettable. Remember, the adjective "exhausted" is used when you're "extremely tired". You can check the WordReference dictionary to help you.
      Take and be safe 😷

  5. Good morning, teacher, here are my answers.
    A2+: How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.

    • We can spend more time together.
    • People can try out new activities. It could be learn to cook, dance or a language.

    • Many members of my family lost their jobs.
    • Some of them are stressed because they are all day in house.

    Leonardo Contreras 5to "B"

    1. Excellent answer Leonardo 👍 Despite of the negative aspects, I know that your family will go through all this situation. Good vibes only 💪.
      Take care and be safe ;)

  6. Good morning, dear teacher 😊 I've finished the activities from the web.

    A2+: How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.

    Positive aspects:
    - We're having a good time in family playing table games, video games, etc.
    - We don't get depressed or anxious, because we have each other.

    Negative aspects:
    - Some members of my family can't work right now.
    - Some of them were deducted of their wages.

    Carlos Coveñas 5to "B".

    1. Well done Carlos!🏅 Although we are facing all this scaring situation, we can take advantage of it. In my opinion, you're making family bonds stronger, that's what really matters. As you mentioned before, some amount was "deducted from" some members of your family wages, but you didn't give up. 💪. Take care and be safe at home ;)

  7. Hi teacher.
    In my case, my parents tested positive for COVID-19, so we isolated ourselves. Basically we affect us in everything, even how we can feel. I hope to leave my room asap, it's very boring, but it's the best. For that moment, I tryna be calm and do my activities without pressure.


    1. That' right Angélica 😉, Being isolated must be boring, but I think it's the best you can do to go through all the situation you're living now. Try to keep positive thoughts and calm yourself down. You'll see everything will be alright. Take care 🤗

  8. A2+:
    • we spend more time together and we keep more communication
    • We do activities together, for example, watch a movie, cook, look at photos from the past and listen to music.
    • some members of my family tend to lose patience and get stressed easily
    • Sometimes we are sad because we can't see some relatives
    -5TO B

    1. Excellent answer Nicole!!! by using your own words to explain the impact of this terrible disease on your family. You're right when you mentioned about lost of patience, get stressed, but I think we can go through this with the good aspects.Take care and be safe ;)

  9. good morning teacher and finish the week's activities

    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    -In my house we wash the food on a tray with lejia. -Only one person can go shopping. -Whenever you go out to buy someone use mask and face protector.
    Almendra Peña 5°C

    1. Excellent answer Almendra!!! You used your own words to explain how we need to do to prevent catching this terrible disease. Keep on doing that. Take care and be safe ;)

  10. Good morning teacher!! I completed the 2 activities of this week:D
    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    • we keep our surround clean.
    • my parents use their face mask to go out.
    • we don't meet with friends or family from outside.
    • we wash our hands often.

    5to D

    1. Bravo Johanna!!! You know how to prevent this terrible disease, following these recommendations at home. Take and be safe ;)

  11. Hi teacher, my name is juan kevin santacruz from 5th "A", I stay in the level A2+
    And the answer of the question is
    -Obviuslly I stay in home, handwashing and respect the rules from the Peruvian goverment

    1. Hi Juan Kevin, good answer, and what about the positive and negative aspects of Covid-19 impact on your family. Please could you add that missing information? Thanks
      Take care ;)

    2. Kevin remember to use capital letter for your name and last name :)

  12. Good afternoon teacher.I finished all the activities for the week 11.
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    At home my parents and I
    -We keep distance from other people.
    -We use our masks
    -We wash our hands frequently
    -We keep the house clean
    Crystal Ventura 5"D"

    1. Great job Crystal!!! I think the most important thing is to take care each other in your family and always put on practice these recommendations. Take care and be safe ;)

  13. Good afternoon teacher:
    - What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    1. Keep all environments clean.
    2. Contantly wash your hands with water and soap for 20 seconds.
    3. Sanitize all the food that's bought

    And follow the recommendations of state

    Brenda Liz Ramos Neyra
    5° "D"

    1. Excellent job Brenda!!! So always remember these recommendations to be safe, especially at home;) Take care

  14. How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?
    ·i stay more time with my family
    ·we do more new things together
    · i can´t see my friends
    ·made me more sad than before

    1. whoopsie in the negative aspects i respond by myself so here is about the impact in my family
      ·they can´t work
      ·they are bored

    2. Great answers Angelina!!!
      Although we are living this lockdown in different ways, we need to see the positive side. As you mentioned before it's a good way to "spend" more time with your family. Keep on doing that and your family bonds will be stronger than ever.
      Take care and be safe ;)

  15. Good afternoon female professor.
    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    My answer is as follows: 
    •To avoid the contagion of COVID-19 in my house every day we disinfect areas of the home to keep it clean and out of reach of the disease or other virus. 
    •Every time a relative returns to the house the street we carefully disinfect it. 
    •Every food that is bought we always disinfect it so as not to contract the virus. 
    •We keep distance from other people.
    •And one very important thing not to contract the virus, is to stay in house, not only for the family, but for all citizens.

    Mayli Matias Valentin 5D

    1. Excellent answer Mayli 😊 I agree with you, the most important way of preventing this preventing is "staying at home". Take care Mayli and be safe :)

    2. Thank you very much teacher. Take care 😊

  16. Good afternoon teacher
    A2+:My answer
    Covid-19 had an impact on my family in many aspects,for example two positives are that we are spending a lot of time together and we are more united.Two negatives are that sometimes we discuss because we are stressed and the work is more difficult in home.
    5to D

    1. Hi Vale! 😊 Don't worry, everyting will be alright. I think all families "argue", especially on this lockdown, but what matters is the union, love and lots of patience. Take care 😷

  17. good afternoon teacher,I'm done with this week's activities.
    How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?

    two positive
    -I live longer with my family
    -in my family we are more updated with technology to be communicated

    two negative
    -we get really stressed
    - we miss dating as a family
    5to C

    1. Well done Luz! 😉. Everything you mentioned is absolutely right. I know that must be stressful sometimes, but just remember to calm down and be patient. Take care and be safe 🤗

  18. Good afternoon teacher, I'm finished the activities for the week 11
    A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?
    - I spend more time with my family
    - We do family activities
    - they can't work
    - they can't travel

    1. Very good Benjamín! 😊 I think the most important to keep in mind is being safe with all your family and doing activities together.
      Just remember to justify your answers by giving more information, in that way you will reach a good level of your written competence. Keep on working hard. Take care 💪

  19. Good afternoon teacher, I'm finished the activities for the week 11
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?

    *Dry cough
    *Chest pain or pressure

    WHAT TO DO ?
    the relative must be in a ventilated room and reduce the shared spaces


    1. Great Leonardo! 💪 I see you can identify the Covid-19 symptoms and what to do if one member of your family gets sick. Just remember to be safe. Take care 🌟.

  20. Good afternoon teacher:
    A2 What do you do at home to avoid capturing COVID-19?
    - Our environment always remains clean.
    - My parents wear a mask to go out.
    -We disinfect everything when we get home
    -Wash our hands frequently.
    -Maintain a distance of 2 meters
    Dulcia Mendoza Cardoza 5"D"

    1. Bravo Dulcia 👏 You and your family know how to prevent the spread of this disease, congratulations!! Always remember to put this recommendations in practise.
      Take care 😉

  21. Good afternoon teacher, I'm done with this week's activities.

    - Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    Fever, dry cough and fatigue.

    - What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    I tell him to stay in a single room, I wash my hands with soap and water frequently, I wear a mask and I disinfect things.

    5to "A"

    1. Great job Zhamara! 😉 I think knowing the symptoms of this disease will help you take care of yourself, and you know how to do it. Keep positive thoughts during this lockdown. Be safe 😉


  22. Good afternoon teacher, I have finished my homework
    What do you do at home to avoid capturing COVID-19?

    - When I go to the market, I keep a distance of 2 to 1.5 meters and I wear a mask.
    -When I return home, I wash my hands with soap and water.
    -my family has shoes for the streets and sandals for the house.


    1. Very good Alan! 😉 You know how to avoid catching this terrible disease. Wearing shoes to go out and sandals to stay at home are great ideas to put them in practise. Take care and be safe 😷

  23. Goog night teacher

    - washing my hands
    -I recommend to my parents that when they go out wear a mask.

    Bryant Alata 5D

    1. Good Bryant! 😊 Let's put those actions into practise all the time to be safe. Always remember to write as much as you can in order to get better at your written competence in English.
      Take care 😷

  24. Good Afternoon teacher:
    How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects
    -I have more time with my family.
    -I can sleep longer.

    _My mom can't work.
    -we can't go anywhere.

    1. Well done Jeremi! 😉 Although we are facing a complex situation, we also see the positive side of it, like the time we spend with our family. Try to add complements to your sentences next time, in that way you will enhance your written competence in English.
      Take care and be safe 😊

  25. Well Good afternoon teacher I finished the activities of this week.

    The things that I can do at home can be :
    Wash my hands with water and soap.
    Avoid touching your face.
    Avoid go out.
    Eat well and drink water to be healthy.
    Take care of yourself.
    Clean the things that we use.
    5" B"

    1. Excellent Lucia🌟! You know exactly what to do to prevent catching the virus. Just remember after the verb avoid the other action (verb+ing) "avoid go...". Let's put those recommendations into practise 💪.
      Take care and be safe at home 😉

  26. Good afternoom teacher.
    A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    Cough, fever and difficulty breathing.

    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    I wash and soap my hands frequently, call emergency and clean to disinfect.

    1. Hi Dayana😉! You identified some Covid-19 symptoms. Well done! I think to "wash your hands with soap and water frequently" is the best way to prevent catching the virus. Take care and be safe at home 🤗

  27. Good night teacher:)
    A1:Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    -difficulty breathing

    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?

    -I would tell them to call the emergency so that they can take a test of the COVID-19 and if it's positive, do the quarantine at home, disinfecting everything that could have been touched.

    -kamila Armey 5to A

    1. Good evening Kamila🤗 You identified the Covid-19 symptoms very well 🌟. And you know what to do if a relative catches the virus. Remember to use "good night" when you say "good-bye at night", and "good evening" to greet (saludar).
      Take care and be safe at home 😉

  28. How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?

    -We have improved our family relationship.
    -We can do things that we couldn´t do before.

    -Sometimes our personalities collide.
    -We can´t go anywhere.


    1. Well done Sofía😉. Despite of having arguments with our parents or siblings, we must remember the positive side of it. You mentioned before family time shared and better relationships. Be careful with the word "collide". It's used for objects. You can also check the WordReference dictionary 😉. Take care, be safe and keep positive thoughts 🤗

  29. Good night teacher ^-^:
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    -In my house my family and I are protected because we use preventive measures, we wear masks, we leave our shoes at the door, we wash our hands, we disinfect shopping bags, we disinfect our clothes when we get home, etc.

    Pablo André Morales Morales 5to D

    1. Good evening Pablo! Excellent answer!!
      I see you know how to be protected from this virus. Well done! Be calm and safe at home:)

  30. Good night teacher
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    Don’t touch money
    Washing my hands often
    Wear mask when leaving
    Avoid touching my face
    Avoid go out :(
    5to “C”

    1. Good evening Javier! Excellent answer!!
      You know how to protect yourself.
      TAke care and be safe:)

  31. A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.
    -We pass more time in family
    -We make a delicious desserts
    -Estress for the situation
    -Economic problems

    5to C

    1. Very good Raphael! You have identified the positive and negative aspects of Covid-19. Be careful with the verb "pass", you should say "we spend more time ..", and check your spelling before sending your comment "stressed".
      You can use the dictionaries to help you.
      Take care and be safe:)

  32. A2:
    What I do at home is:
    1.- Wash my hands frequently.
    2.- Always have the areas of my house clean.
    3.- When they come from the street always disinfect everything.
    Alexis Mallcco 5C

  33. A2+:
    POSITIVE.- I spend more time with my family
    We are more communicated
    NEGATIVE.- Sometimes we are disagreement, so we discuss
    We are bored because we have to stay in home due to the current situation
    Jefferson Apaza 5A

  34. A2+: how has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?
    -we can spend more time together.
    -we can use time to learn new things.

    -family problems.
    -we can't go anywhere.

  35. good afternoon teacher wanted to inform you that I have finished the activities
    A2=We avoid touching our faces and eye lining.
    Do not share utensils for personal use for beverages and food
    Keep rooms ventilated and with good hygiene
    When leaving the house, use mask
    5 to C

  36. Good afternoon teacher
    A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    - Fever, dry cough, tiredness.
    - As in my family, there are doctors that are most recommended, it would be communicating to them, so that they can help us and recommend what medications could be taken to control this disease and what to do.

    Aleny Cerrón Rojas 5°A

  37. Good afternoon teacher, i'm finished the activities for the week 11
    Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    Difficulty breathing, fever and cough
    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    I call 113, disinfect nearby objects and lock him in a room :D
    5to B

  38. Good afternoon teacher, i finished the homework, it was easy:3

    Positive aspects:
    We have learned to communicate better.
    We have more control of our economy.

    Negative aspects:
    We always get out of control when eating (sometimes) uwu.
    Our tolerance sometimes goes down.

    5to "A"

  39. Good afternoon teacher.
    A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.

    POSITIVE: we've done many activities in family, we spend more time talking together.
    We've learned new things in our free time.
    NEGATIVE: Sometimes we have an argument.
    We are bored because we can't go out.

    Emily Quiquia 5 "A"

  40. Good afternoon teacher, I finished this week's activities. I thought it was interesting to make an infographic about how to avoid getting infected with covid-19.
    Answering your question:
    What do you do at home to prevent the capture of covid-19?
    * When my parents leave the house they usually put on masks and gloves.
    * Wash their hands when returning from the street.
    * They change their clothes.
    * We eat healthy foods.
    * When we buy products we clean it with alcohol.

  41. Good afternoon teacher, I finished the activities of this week. A2
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    In my family, new rules were created to prevent this virus, which are:
    When you leave always wear the mask and carry a bottle with alcohol.
    When you get home, you are completely disinfected with alcohol.
    Purchases are disinfected before entering the kitchen.
    Keeping the distance
    Juliana Flores

  42. Good afternoon, teacher!
    When my parents come to buy, we disinfect things. They leave their shoes, masks, wallets and keys at the entrance.
    We wash our hands frequently.
    They only come out if necessary.
    Nathaly Poma

  43. Good afternoon teacher, I finished all activities of this week.
    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    My family avoids leaving home, and if they come out it´s with caution, and obviously with mask and protection.
    Also always we wash our hands and we disinfect with alcohol the material we use, fruit, vegetables or other things.
    Gladis Peinado 5"B"

  44. A1: Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    I would take good care of him and prevent him from leaving home, so as not to spread to other families.
    Eden heitner moran

  45. Good afternoon teacher, I finished the activities of this week. This week's topic is very interesting because is important we know how to prevent to spread of Covid-19.

    A2: What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    In my family we disinfect everything we bring from the market, we always wash our hands with soap and we wear surgical mask every time we leave the house.
    5th "C"

  46. 1:Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    -have difficulty breathing.
    2:What do you do if a member of your family has these symptoms?
    Stay calm, tell him to take the test to confirm if he has Covid-19, call 113, take care of him and attend to him so that he gets better soon.
    Yenifer Pradera 5"A"

  47. A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19:
    -Dry cough
    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    -If a member of my family has the symptoms we would have to isolate him and also give him the safety measures so that he doesn't infect us to anyone else and then take him to a clinic to get tested for COVID-19 to be safer.
    Student : Angeles Ataucusi 5to B

  48. A2+
    Positive aspects:
    1. Because this illness we have to spend time in our houses, so I have more time to share with my family
    2. Also because the time in our houses, I have learnt to do new activities, like cook desserts or exercise myself.

    Negative aspects:
    1. We are in a high dangerous to caught this illness
    2. In my case, I feel stressful because the school homework and also my Britanico and Academy for University homework.

    Student: Zusette Escudero 5th "A"

  49. Good evening teacher, I hope you are okay. Here I'll answer the question.

    A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?

    Positive aspects:
    ~ We spend more time with family.
    ~ We can also improve some abilities or take our time to try to do something new.

    Negative aspects:
    ~We can't do what we usually do in past time.. like go out with friends or go shopping.
    ~People get more stressed about the situation.

  50. A2+ : How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.

    -have more time to spend together.
    -know more about my parents

    -we get feel more stressed than before.
    -we feel sensitive with our feelings.

    5th "C"

  51. A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    In my home when leaving always use my mask and i have my alcohol
    I finish with the activities and I liked to do the infographic
    Sebastian Puchuri 5to C

  52. .Good morning teacher regarding the questions:
    .Nivel A1 : Name three symptoms of COVID-19:
    -dry cough
    What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    First I would call the emergency number 113 to consult and take the necessary measures.
    student:Solangela Meza Alarcon 5A.

  53. Good morning teacher.
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    always washing our hands to roll

    I finish with the activities and I liked the theme in general.

    1. Good Eduardo! by finishing your work for this week. I think there are more recommendations to do at home. I challenge you to add more information to your answer. In that way you will practise your written competence in English 💪 Take care

  54. Good afternoon teacher Im Fabrizzio Herrera M. 5to C, well i done all the activities of the web "Aprendo en casa"; and answering the queastions...
    How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family?
    Do some ativities, like go outside to buy food or do any sport.
    The posiblity to work, becuse my mom work autside of home, and its difficulty.
    In family we can do more activities than after, we can play, we can what any movie and talk.
    We can learn skills, like cooking, or playing videogames....

  55. Good nigth teacher I'm Valeria Lopez .5B

    A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    In my house: to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
    In my family We wash your hands regularly.
    We desinfect regularly touched objects with alcohol and when I go out on the street I wear the mask .
    I finish with the activities of this week.
    The activities is very interesting.

  56. Good afternoon teacher, I'm done with this week's activities , Sorry for the delay:

    A2:What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    * We disinfect everything when we get home.

    * We wash our hands frequently.

    * we wear masks when leaving home.

    Student: Evelyn Ipanaque 5to "D"

  57. Good nigth teacher

    Name three symptoms of COVID-19.
    -Dry cough

    What do you do if one member of your family has these   symptoms?
    *If they are mild symptoms isolate him, help him to continue with the doctor's prescriptions so that nobody gets infected

    Ximena Vargas 5A

  58. Good night teacher,excuse the delay:
    -A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    *The most important thing now is to stay home.
    *Wash hands frequently.
    *Keep social distance.
    *Disinfect products when returning from shopping.
    *Use alcohol or disinfectant.
    *If we have symptoms of covid-19, call 113 to help us control the disease or to do it.
    All this is very important to avoid the spread of covid -19 and to be better protected against this terrible disease.
    Fatima Sullon 5"D"

  59. Good afternoon teacher, excuse for the delay:
    A2+: How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.
    *I spend more time with my family.
    *I'm learning more in my freetime.
    *In my case, I can't see my cousins as often as before.
    *Sometimes, I stress for the homework or other things.
    Camila Mayhuay Ortega 5toB

  60. A2 : What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    What I do at home is:
    We keep our environment clean
    We wash our hands with soap and water.
    We disinfect the things we bring from the outside
    We don't do family reunions
    When my family leaves they have a distance of two meters with other people.
    Fatima Montalvo 5to B

  61. Positive
    It is trivial, but a positive thing is that my mother has allowed me to have an instant soup reserve.
    In addition, my family has been able to talk more when choosing what to eat for lunch
    Misinformation and exaggerated panic is causing me a lot of stress and annoyance at the things they do (over exaggerated measures) and the stigmatization of what it is to contract the virus, generating a type of discrimination.
    In itself, stress doesn't bother me, and I can cope quite well on my own, however I know that I live with quite fickle people and one negative thing is that they are taking out their frustration on other people.


  62. Good afternon teacher, sorry my delay...

    How has COVID-19 had an impact on your family? Write two positive and two negative aspects.
    -We are more spend time together.
    -My parents can work.
    -I´m sad for the situation and i feel anxious, but, i don´t talk so i don´t worry.
    -We miss going out.
    Well, there´s that be positives in this situation :´)

  63. Good afternon teacher,
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    • I don’t exit the home
    • I wash my hands
    • i cover my ¿mouth and nose
    • I have distance when my family return the street

    Fabricio Leonardo Martinez Safora 5 "D"

    1. Hi Fabricio! Well done!! You know how to be protected from the virus. Keep doing that!
      Take care and be safe at home:)

  64. Good night, teacher. one of the strongest symptoms of covid-19 are lack of breath, high fever and the sense of smell is lost.
    what i would do if a relative of mine gets sick is: protect myself with masks, a face protector and constantly wash my hands with soap and water.

    1. Good evening Jomehila! Excellent answer!
      You know how to be protected from the virus. Super!!!
      Take care and be safe at home:)

  65. Good evening Victor! Excellent answers!!
    Although we are living tough times, we should always see the positive side of it. And I noticed you know that.
    Take and be safe at home:)

  66. What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?

    what I do is wash my hand immediately, test for covid every month and clean all the places in the house

    5 "D"

  67. A2
    What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    In my house we wash the food on a tray with lejia. -Only one person can go shopping. -Whenever you go out to buy someone use mask and face protector.

    Sebastian Yaya 5 D

  68. What do you do at home to prevent catching COVID-19?
    Well, in my house I disinfect the fruits and vegetables, we also wash the clothes often, we always wash our hands before and after going out, and finally we also use the mask and the face protector.

    Student: Karen Salvatierra | 5th"B"

  69. Name three symptoms of COVID-19. What do you do if one member of your family has these symptoms?
    -Fever, dry cough,headache and more.
    -In this case we go to the doctor and disinfect the house.
    Fabrizio Romero 5D
