
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2020


My dear 5th graders 😊

Welcome to week 12 😊 
On this week you will do different activities to know how to protect your mental heath 🧠. For that reason, you will watch this video about some tips to take care of it. 🦾

After watching the video, answer the question according to your level:
PRE A1 - A1 😊
Do you protect your mental health? How?

A2 - A2+ 😄
From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?

21 comentarios:

  1. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I do exercise and socially connect
    because they're a way to relax and so I forget the problems I have
    5º "c"

  2. A2 - A2+
    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    Exercise as it is very important for our body to be healthy

  3. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I do the first one, I try to ignore false or malicious news and I look at the real news, so that I am emotionally calm.
    Crystal Ventura 5D

  4. Good Afternoon Teacher:
    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    Exercise, because it is very important for our body, in which we must keep it active with a small routine.
    Dulcia Mendoza 5"D"

  5. Good afternoon teacher:
    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I am exercising because it helps me de-stress and be healthy.

  6. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why
    Excercise because is very important for my healt and I feeling good
    5to C

  7. Good evening teacher
    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why? I practice exercises because it heps me relax and release my emotions.

  8. Of all the tips you've seen in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I do exercises, because it is very important for my health, as well as mentally and emotionally, it helps me to have relaxation times, to be optimistic, to be happy. That is why I like to exercise.

    Mayli Matias Valentin 5D

  9. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why
    Of all the advice seen in the video, I exercise because it keeps me relaxed and calms me down

  10. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    Excercise because prevents health problems, increases strength, increases energy and can help me reduce stress.
    5to c

  11. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I did exercises because I think it's very important to have an active life
    Jefferson Apaza 5A

  12. Good afternoon teacher
    Do you protect your mental health? How?
    If I protect my mental health, by organizing my time, talking to my parents if I have a concern, controlling my emotions,eat healthy food and thinking positive.
    Yenifer Pradera 5A

  13. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I limit how much I read about the pandemic because that way I'm better mentally and I don't belive the false news that circulates on social networks.
    5th "C"

  14. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?

    About the tips of the vídeo one of the activities that i do is exercise i do it when i have time because i think is really important to be health and when i exercise i feel better and with a lot of energy to do more activities and i relax :)
    5th "D"

  15. Good night teacher
    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    From tha activities from the video, I do read somethings and I will buy new ones. somethings exercicies during this quarantine and sometimes I stay in the some social media or listen music and finally I talk with my friends

    Kevin Santacruz 5to A

  16. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I always chat with my friends. Also, I usually use social media and listen to music. I sometimes do exercise :)

  17. Good Afternoon, Teacher

    From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I would practice the exercises because all day we stay sitting (doing our homework or stay in the class online) and I also going to to eat healthy food.

    Student: Karen Salvatierra | 5to"B"

  18. rom all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    - Every day chat with my friendsand eat the healthy food because is very important for my mental health


  19. Of all the tips you've seen in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I talk a lot with my close and distant friends for or play with them some days, I also eat healthy and exercise

    5 "D"

  20. Of all the tips you've seen in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    I exercise once a week, I always have good care of myself as it is necessary and I feel good.
    I always talk to my friends, which helps me to have a good social life and not to get bored.

    Fabricio Leonardo Martinez Safora 5 "D"

  21. From all the tips you have watched in the video, which ones do you do? Why?
    Of all the tips that appear in the video, I do the socially connected because it helps me stop thinking about the bad things and feel good for a moment to keep pushing myself for the rest of the day.

    5th D
